The Massive Jamaica

5 Ways to Negotiate a Better Job Opportunity

Some of us go into interviews taking anything thrown at us because we don’t think we leverage something better, and that’s a huge mistake.
5 ways to negotiate a better job opportunity - The Massive Jamaica

Some of us go into interviews taking anything thrown at us because we don’t think we have the power to negotiate a better job opportunity. But that’s a mistake.

We should have some say about our employment agreement. We don’t always get what we want, but we can try to get better than we’re offered. Always try to, at least, meet hiring managers in the middle, as best as you can. 

We sometimes think we don’t have the power to negotiate, but that isn’t 100% true. Your worth is your most powerful bargaining chip. It’s what gives you leverage. You should already know your worth, but it’s how you show it that will get you leverage.

To negotiate a better job opportunity, subtly let employers know that they aren’t the only ones

Have you ever realized that someone only wants you or wants you more when someone else does? It’s the same with hiring managers. 

Being scarce increases your value. It means other people want you on their team too. Subtly let them know you’ve been considering other opportunities. Don’t boast, bring it up casually. But do it in a way it will stick.

Even if you don’t have anything else lined up. Act like you do. You don’t have to lie. “I’ve been considering a few other opportunities” doesn’t have to be a lie. The other opportunity could very well be unemployment, but they don’t know that.

Knowing they aren’t the only horse in the race may convince them to negotiate better terms with you. If they really want you and value what you can bring to the table, they’ll up their game.

Show them you aren’t desperate – even if you are.

Don’t say yes to the first offer. Especially if it doesn’t suit you. 

Show them you know your value and won’t settle for the first thing they put on the table. Show them you won’t just take anything they give you. This gives them an idea of the kind of person you are.

You aren’t greedy. You’re strong willed, and you won’t just take anything someone dishes out to you. There’s nothing wrong with standing up for yourself – you have to advocate for yourself.

It may have been your only interview in months, but that isn’t something they need to know. Don’t tell them verbally or with your body language. Keep it cool.

Show off your portfolio

You can’t leverage your value if you can’t prove it. This is where your portfolio comes in.

Let your achievements speak for you. This is where you can brag a little. And why not? You’ve earned it. Be proud of it.

Show them the things you’ve done, the things you’ve achieved, and that you’re not done achieving. Showing them how hard you’ve worked with a portfolio will show them your work ethic. And will help to further convince them of your worth.

Your achievements give you major brownie points that help with your leverage. Hiring managers know good workers don’t come easy, so show them what you’re worth and that you don’t come cheap.

Don’t be afraid to walk away

If it can’t work, tell them. Don’t be bullied. 

Show them you aren’t willing to devalue yourself for a job. They may or may not make a counter offer, but it shows you can stand your ground. If they’ve presented you with an offer in the first place, it means they like you for the role and they may just try to keep you on board.

That being said, don’t bluff. Unless you know you have the better hand and a great poker face, don’t do anything you’ll regret. Only walk away if you can afford to. 

Confidence in yourself with help you negotiate a better job opportunity

Don’t leave your confidence at home.

Confidence can’t be hidden. When you have it, it radiates off you. Don’t dim it, wear it proudly. 

Walk into the room, or join the zoom call, showing that you believe in yourself. Show them you know you’re great. Don’t be arrogant, but show them that you’re comfortable with yourself and what you’ve achieved. 

And if you don’t exude the confidence that I’m talking about, learn how to fake it. 

It’s important that hiring managers know you’re sure of yourself. They’ll use any vulnerability they sense and try to walk all over you. Don’t give them that chance.

We aren’t all born excellent negotiators but we can learn to be. Ask hard questions, don’t concede too easily and sell yourself well to the hiring manager. That’s the formula for being a good negotiator in the job market.


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